South Lee Prep School & Nursery
Bury St Edmunds
January 2025
Friday, 3rd:
Monday, 6th:
Tuesday, 7th:
Term Begins
Club Begins
Wednesday, 8th:
08:30 School Council Meeting
14:30 U11 Netball v Fairstead House and St Joseph's College (H)
14:30 U11 Football v Fairstead House and St Joseph's college (H)
Thursday, 9th:
Year 5 Parent Lunch
Friday, 10th:
08:30 PTA Meeting
08:30 Reception Parent Coffee Morning
12:50 Catchpole Club Lunch
14:30 U8 Tag Rugby v Fairstead House (H)
14:30 U9 Hockey v Fairstead House (H)
14:30 U9 Rugby v Fairstead House and Holmwood House (H)
14:30 U9 Hockey v Fairstead House and Holmwood House (H)
Monday, 13th:
NSPCC Assembly
Year 2 Swimming begins
Tuesday, 14th:
12:50 Pillar Lunch
Year 1 Swimming begins
16:00 - 17:00 Reception Class Roadshow
Wednesday, 15th:
14:30 U13 Netball v Thetford Grammar (H)
14:30 U13 Football v Thetford Grammar (H)
14:30 U11 Football v Ipswich High (H)
Thursday, 16th:
Year 4 Parent Lunch
Friday, 17th:
08:30 Year 1 Parent Coffee Morning
14:30 U8 Tag Rugby v Barnardiston Hall (A)
14:30 U9 Rugby v Barnardiston Hall (A)
14:30 U9 Hockey v Barnardiston Hall (A)
Monday, 20th:
13:15 Year 2 NSPCC Workshop
13:50 - 14:50 Year 5 & 6 NSPCC Workshops
Tuesday, 21st:
13:30 Eco-Warrior Meeting
15:00 U9 Dodgeball Tournament
Wednesday, 22nd:
14:30 U13 Netball v Stoke College (H)
14:30 U13 Football v Stoke College (H)
14:30 U11 Netball v Thetford Grammar (H)
14:30 U11 Football v Thetford Grammar (H)
Thursday, 23rd:
Year 5 Entrance Scholarship Day (Current Year 4 Pupils/ Academic)
Friday, 24th:
08:30 Year 2 Parent Coffee Morning
14:15 U8 Tag Rugby v Framlingham Prep and OBH (A)
14:15 U9 Hockey v Framlingham Prep and OBH (A)
Monday, 27th:
Pre-Prep Verse Speaking Launch
13:50 - 14:10 Academic Focus Group
16:30 - 18:30 Ski season @ Suffolk Ski Centre
Tuesday, 28th:
10:00 U13 Suffolk Schools Dodgeball Competition (A)
13:30 Food Committee Meeting
Wednesday, 29th:
Chinese New Year Feast
14:30 U11 Netball v Holmwood House (A)
14:30 U11 Football v Holmwood House (A)
Thursday, 30th:
Enrichment - Egg Cups for Easter & Mothers' Day Mugs
12:00 Pre-Prep Grandparent Lunch
Friday, 31st:
08:30 Year 3 Parent Coffee Morning
14:30 U8 Tag Rugby v St Margaret's (A)
14:30 U9 Rugby v St Margaret's (A)
14:30 U9 Hockey v St Margaret's (A)
19:00 PTA Sip & Paint
February 2025
Monday, 3rd:
National Storytelling Week
Children's Mental Health Awareness Week
13:30 House Shout Rehearsal
16:30 - 18:30 Ski session @ Suffolk Ski Centre
Tuesday, 4th:
10:00 U11 Suffolk Schools Dodgeball Competition (A)
16:00 Boys Mini Red Tennis v Finborough School (H)
Wedneday, 5th:
14:30 U13 Netball v Thetford Grammar & Brookes UK (A)
14:30 U13 Football v Thetford Grammar (A)
Thursday, 6th:
Prep School Orchestral/ Choral Day at Uppingham School
09:00 Martineau Lecture - Career Pathways
Friday, 7th:
08:30 PTA Meeting
09:00 - 12:00 Reception Open Morning
14:00 U9 Hockey v OBH (A)
14:15 U8 Tag Rugby v Brookes UK (A)
14:30 U8 Tag Rugby v Brookes UK (A)
Monday, 10th:
13:50 House Shout Rehearsal
IAPS Swimming (A)
16:30 - 18:00 Ski session at Suffolk Ski Centre
Tuesday, 11th:
Safer Internet Day
16:30 Internet Safety Parent Talk with Mr Clinch (no children)
Scholarship Pathway Afternoon (Years 6 - 8)
Wednesday, 12th:
14:30 U13 Netball v Stoke College and Barnardiston Hall (H)
14:30 U11 Netball v Thetford Grammar (A)
14:30 U11 Football v Thetford Grammar (A)
Thursday, 13th:
16:00 U11 Table Tennis Tournament (A)
PTA Valentine's Disco
Friday, 14th:
08:30 Pre-School Parent Coffee Morning
10:15 House Shout
Monday, 17th - Friday 21st: Inclusive Half Term
Tuesday 25th:
12:50 Catchpole Club Lunch and Years 7 & 8 Parent Lunch
16:30 - 19:00 Pre-School - Year 8 Parents Evening
Wednesday, 26th:
13:45 U13 Hockey v Orwell Park (A)
14:30 U11 Netball v Barnardiston Hall & Ipswich High (H)
14:30 U11 Hockey v Barnardiston Hall (H)
Thursday, 27th:
12:50 Year 6 Parent Lunch
16:30 - 19:00 Pre-School - Year 8 Parents Evening
Friday, 28th:
14:00 U8 Tag Rugby v Ipswich High (A)
14:00 U9 Hockey v Ipswich High (A)
14:30 U9 Rugby v St Joseph's College (A)
March 2025
Monday, 3rd:
Year 3 Viking Day
14:30 U13 Football v Framlingham Prep (H)
14:30 U11 Football v Framlingham Prep (H)
16:30 - 19:00 Years 4-8 Subject Parents Evening
Tuesday, 4th:
10:45 Inter House Pancake Race
15:00 U11 Netball Tournament (H)
Wedneday, 5th:
14:30 U13 Netball v Orwell Park (A)
14:30 U11 Football v St Margaret's (A)
Thursday, 6th:
World Book Day
12:10 Whole School Book Day Lunch
13:50 - 14:10 Academic Focus Group
14:00 Full Board Governors Meeting
Friday, 7th:
08:30 PTA Meeting
14:30 U8 Tag Rugby v Barnardiston Hall (H)
14:30 U9 Rugby v Barnardiston Hall (H)
14:30 U9 Hockey v Barnardiston Hall (H)
Saturday, 8th:
Ski Trip departs - Pra Loup (France)
Monday, 10th:
British Science Week
Tuesday, 11th:
Years 6-8 Scholarship Pathway Afternoon
Thursday, 13th:
Year 3 Parent Lunch
Friday, 14th:
14:00 U9 Hockey v Littlegarth Festival (A)
14:00 U9 Rugby v Littlegarth Festival (A)
Saturday, 15th:
Ski trip returns - Pra Loup (France)
13:15 East Anglian Prep Schools Cross-Country Championships (A)
Monday, 17th:
House Netball & Football Matches
Tuesday, 18th:
Year 6 & 7 visit to Stansted Mountfitchet Castle
Wednesday, 19th:
13:45 U11 Hockey v Orwell Park (A)
14:30 U13 Football v Brookes UK (A)
14:30 U11 Netball v Brookes UK (A)
Thursday, 20th:
16:30 Teatime Tunes
Friday, 21st:
14:30 U8 Tag Rugby v Fairstead House (A)
14:30 U9 Hockey v Fairstead House (A)
14:30 U9 Rugby v Fairstead House (A)
Monday, 24th:
Shakespeare Week
Tuesday, 25th:
08:30 Upper Prep Senior Duke Expedition
Wednesday, 26th:
14:30 U13 Football v Ipswich High (A)
14:30 U11 Netball v Fairstead House (A)
14:30 U11 Football v Fairstead House (A)
Thursday, 27th:
09:00 Shakespeare Assembly
Friday, 28th:
Pre-Prep Verse Speaking Final
Easter Egg Hunt
Term Ends
Regular Font - Pupils Only
Italic Font - Parents' Invited